Learn how unwanted feathered friends can become a serious health concern.

Major Health & Safety Concerns

Seeing birds around your home, shed, or office building isn’t usually any cause for concern. As a matter of fact, they can be a beautiful sight when at your backyard feeder or bird bath. But problems can arise when they take up unwelcomed permanent residence in your property.

You may be surprised to learn that some diseases, internal parasites and other pests can – and are – spread to human by birds. Birds are able to disseminate diseases like chlamydiosis, salmonellosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, Newcastle’s, and many more; they also carry and spread internal parasites such as acariasis, toxoplasmosis, and taeniasis. What’s more, birds have been known to distribute household pests, including bed bugs, lice, mites, and ticks – just to name a few.

How do humans get affected? By coming into contact with bird droppings, decomposed droppings mixed in soil, or nesting areas. In addition to the physical health risks, bird droppings speed up the deterioration of buildings, give off a bad odor, kill off vegetation, and are unattractive when accumulated on benches, pathways, window sills, and cars.

So, if you have uninvited feathered friends living in your property, it’s important to ensure they’re safely removed.

The Problem Signs.

Depending on where you live in Virginia, you may have a problem with one or more species of birds. In order to identify the culprit, familiarize yourself with the area’s four most common ‘problem’ birds:

If you frequently hear the familiar ‘cooing’ sounds of pigeons, or see them often in close proximity to your property, there could be a chance they’ve nested in your home or building. Remember, pigeon droppings contain the dangerous e-coli bacteria, so don’t immediately dismiss their presence as harmless.

If you hear repetitive ‘drumming’ on the siding of your house, it could be one of the many local woodpecker species trying to create an opening to move into your home.

If you see your fruit crops being eaten and air vents getting blocked, it might be a sign you have the invasive Starling, which carries bird mites, living among you.

As its namesake implies, these birds become an issue when they decide to raise their young in chimneys. If chattering noises are coming from your flue around the summer time, then there’s a chance chimney swifts have taken up residence. Please note, these birds don’t pose much of a health risk, but are federally protected. That means you can’t cause them any harm or disturbance. Contact our team immediately so we can provide the best guidance in this situation.

Removing Birds.

By now, you realize the birds taking up residence in your home aren’t only creating an eyesore (with their droppings everywhere), but pose a serious health concern too. The way to safely and humanely remove them is to follow the below steps:

  1. Locate the nests.
    If possible, take note of where you believe the nests are. They can be on the outside of your house or building, in your chimney or attic.
  2. Don’t touch them.
    Because they’re able to spread disease, parasites and other pests like mites, in order to avoid infection or contamination, avoid touching birds, their nests and the areas around their nests.
  3. Call us anytime.
    Our helpful wildlife control technicians are ready to help and will be able to discuss and assess your bird problem to offer the best solution possible.

From there, we’ll organize a convenient time to come out and remove the bird pests, safely and humanely, from your house or office building.

Why choose us?

Being one of Virginia’s top rated Bird Removal and Management Professionals, we successfully remove hundreds of birds each year, which means we know exactly what to do with your bird problem. Our skilled team can remove single birds, entire colonies, as well as undertake the hygienic clean-up of their droppings.

We’re dedicated to being the leaders in our industry through continuous improvement and by guaranteeing customer satisfaction by getting the job done right – and quickly. Once we remove your bird pests, we’ll suggest a management plan to ensure they don’t return to become a problem again.

Remember, when your family’s health is at risk, don’t chance the removal and management of bird pests to anyone less experienced than our friendly team. Call our bird control service in Charlottesville at (804) 729-9103 today to speak to one of our friendly wildlife control technicians.

*Chimney Swifts – since they are federally protected birds, we’ll need to assess your situation first, but then wait for them to leave in early fall. Afterwards, we’ll install a chimney cap to prevent them (or raccoons and squirrels) from coming back again. If you don’t already have a cap on your chimney, then prevent the issue from happening by calling us on (804) 729-9103.

Don’t just take our word for it, call us Toll-Free at (800) 813-1485 or Local Telephone (804) 729-9103 now to find out why our customers trust us with the health and safety of their families.

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